Life coaching is an amazing way to figure out why your brain works the way it does. By diving into your thoughts you get to decide intentionally how you are going to live your life and interact with the people around you. YOU GET TO DECIDE how you are going to show up in this life. I have amazing tools that will help you see the world in a whole new way. I cannot wait to connect with you!
Hey! I am Kaitlyn. I am a wife to one and mother to four beautiful, adopted children. I live in a small town in Northern Arizona. I am passionately obsessed with helping busy Moms feel more balanced and crush their mom guilt. My driving force in life is connection. I have seen this theme of connection throughout my years teaching 3rd grade, my church assignments, owning multiple small businesses, and my family and social interactions. I love getting to know people and believe that learning the stories and life lessons of others is key to ending ignorance and hate. I love the beach, learning about people, pizza, and reading to my kids.

“Rise up and become the person you were meant to be."
Dieter F Uchtdorf